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Monday, October 4, 2010

#65 - Get to the Thermostat Stat!

Here's a reading of today's thermostat in the house. Not too bad! We haven't turned the heat on yet. I'm hoping to get a little further into the month before we have to turn the heat on. I hate turning the heat on in October. I feel like a wuss.

I will turn it on if it gets below 63 degrees. During the winter we don't go over 67 and don't go below 63. That's my breaking point.

My sophomore year of college we kept the heat at 58... burr. My room was so freezing I could barely write my papers, and I slept with a heating blanket on (not safe, but I did what I had to). Now that we can afford heat, I'm going to keep it comfortable but affordable. No more 58 for me.

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